Friday 1 April 2016

Why the Cavs need to trade Kyrie Irving this offseason. Why Delly is a more valuable player in the NBA. An open letter to Cavs management

Earlier this year one of my friends said Matthew Dellevadova was the shittest point guard in the NBA…

This made me question his ‘friend’ status of mine. I’m Australian. Not overly patriotic but I felt that comment from any so called Cavs fan, yet alone a fellow Aussie was BLASPHEMY!

He then proceeded to make some very valid points.

1)      Matthew Dellavedova has the worst athleticism in the NBA.

While I can’t refute this, Delly’s young age still allows him higher status in the ‘athletiscim’ index in the NBA. This wont last. It makes me sad because I think he might have a very short NBA career if you think about the physical toll he puts on his body every time he steps on the floor.  

2)      Matty has to try hard otherwise he wouldn’t be in the NBA

This is saying Delly would be straight out of the NBA if he didn’t dive for every loose ball. Again if I was an NBA scout – I would find it hard selling this guy without the hustle.

3)       If the Cavs trade and upgrade Delly they might have a chance this year. He is their weakest link

With a roster of Tristan Thompson, Shrumpert and Channing Frye off the bench, it is easy to make a case that Delly would be the Cavs weakest link on paper…

As a Cavs fan, while I had my heart cut out like the little boy in Temple of Doom when I heard this case put forward. Last year we took 2 games off the Warriors with Delly starting and no real back up. With Kyrie back we were supposed to go a step closer to beating the warriors. Not further. Not towards the Dark Side!

This year has been the most depressing season I’ve witnessed in recent history with our team regressing all season.
I saw Kyrie score 56 points against the Spurs last year. While there have been no electric performances  of that ilk this year, I still have confidence they can come.

But in that game. The last game the Spurs lost at home. Where another Spurs crazy mate of mine travelled from Sydney to San Antonio to watch the best regular season NBA game of the year. I realised one more thing…

We would never beat the Spurs in a 7 game series like that. LBJ on fire. Kyrie smoking. And we beat them by one point in overtime. How could we repeat that 4 times in 7. Not possible.

Intangible is a crap word.
As an analyst I hate anything that cant be defined. It is meant to cover our lack of awareness for what specifically a guy like Delly does to make his team better. Why when I was asked to consistently name 5 point guards shitter than Delly, even people like Mo Williams, Jarret Jack, Patrick Beverly, Ty Lawson and Jeremy Lin produced choruses of no way from all my boys. Noone thought Delly was the GOD I did.

But having watched every Cavs game I’m going to make a serious case to Cavs management about specifically why Kyrie should be traded this summer. Delly should start, and we should take a player like Nicholas Batum for Kyrie.

1)      Delly is a better passer than Kyrie

There are stats like Assists and assist to turnover. But then part of job of a passer is to put the ball on point. In the shooters pocket. The eye test tells me even when Kyrie passes the ball he does this terribly while Delly puts it right where TT likes it. Where JR Swishes it. Where LBJ ‘throws the hammer down in the Q’.

Delly also looks to pass all the time. He’s a pass first point guard. This keeps all his team mates always engaged on offence.

When Kyrie drives he is an incredible finisher. Maybe the best. Because of this he doesn’t look to pass.
But if you are a Cav you might as well tune out or run back and play D because once Kyrie drives the lane you ain't getting the ball. He will probably score or get fouled, but passing is very, very rare.

While this should allow you to save more energy for defence. It actually disempowers you and leads to less effort, less movement off the ball and more ball watching.

LBJ and Delly both drive with a different purpose – to pass first. This makes the players around them better.

2)      Delly makes smart team first plays.

I saw 2 plays tonight which I have seen all season.

Delly drives hard, misses a layup. While the opposing point guard has a 2-3 m head start in transition, Delly ‘the little engine that could’ sprints back and fouls the opposing point guard around the half way line to stop the play. Defence resets.  

On another play Kyrie drives hard and scores. The opposing point guard has a 2-3m head start on Kyrie as the ball is inbounded as Kyrie finished the play near the crowd after his acrobatic double clutch.

The opposing point guard runs down and gets an assist to an open 3 point shooter in the corner as help is forced to come from Iman Shrumpert.

Delly's play wins games. Kyrie's make highlight reels and create a buzz in the arena, but don't always help win games.

I know what you are saying. This boy has lost his chops. Let me digress. 

Kyrie is down 1 point (scored 2 and gave up 3) with a Cavs possession.

The Delly situation has the other team with possession with no buckets. In a league where TS% is approaching 50% that might be a 50-50 scenario. so on paper they look about the same.

BUT, In Dellys situation while he missed, by hustling back and fouling he allows Shrump to play his role of being a lock down defender. In the Kyrie show, Shrump tunes out on offence and then is not used on defence and the next play so tunes out on offence again.

Dellys situation allows everyone to play their roles and demonstrate their value. Kyrie just forces others to make bad Defensive decisions. Play help D, Stop the ball and open up the corner 3, or don’t help and give up 2 points?

Even if you make the right decision the other team likely scores and your good Defence does not get rewarded.

So Kyrie makes highlight reels, Delly's play is a footnote. But I know which one as a coach I'd appreciate more. This happens again and again and again throughout the season and all you passionate Cavs fans would know this.

3)      Predictable play lets your teammates know where they will get the ball – Delly is more predictable

If Delly is open he shoots. If he drives on a pick and Roll with TT he is going to lob it or take a runner. If you are open you will get the ball.

Kyrie can shoot a step back. Kyrie can drive and finish with either hand. Kyrie can hit you with a pass.

Something about predictability makes you comfortable. Delly does that really well with the Cavs second unit. While Kyrie is exciting, he’s like a box of chocolates. You never know what your gonna geeeet. O so sweet but like Ice Cube once said about shotgun bullets - bad for your health.

4)      Delly shoots open jump shots better than Kyrie.

Spaces the floor and gives more driving lanes for others like LBJ.

5)      Delly is a better defender

He tries harder. Uses fouls wisely. Gets a hand in the face.

6)      Delly is 'dirtier'

Good defence isn’t just about staying in front of your defender. Its about taking someone outside their comfort zone. Making them uncomfortable. Delly is the best player in the league at that. I don’t think he is that dirty, but he sticks to you the way a collared shirt sticks to my armpits on a hot summer day. Uncomfortably.

7)      Delly makes everyone else hustle harder

If you got a little runt diving on the floor it is inspiring. It inspires you to give your all when your colleagues are - simple game theory and proved by psychologists in the 1920s.

Delly does that. He is the unlikely emotional leader of the Cavs. The way Noah used to head the bulls.

If you don’t believe all my points – check out this graph from Bleacher report;

While I ascknowledge Plus Minus isn't the be all and end all analytical tool, like Sheed said "Ball Don't Lie"

The spanner in the works – Playoffs

This Playoffs, the only thing I think can save Kyrie is the playoffs. Advanced scouting happens. Teams take away your first, second ,third options. This is where superstars thrive. Unpredictability becomes an asset.

So I think this will be the litmus test. Can Kyrie elevate his game and can the Cavs team gain a surreal confidence. Can they strike terror into other team’s hearts he way the Bulls did with Jordan and Pippen on the floor when opponents look and see Kyrie and LBJ?

Do defences over-react as good defence consistently gets beaten by good offence.
While Curry is like Kyrie called a shoot first point guard he definitely makes his team-mates better.

Kyrie is only 23. He can still learn.

If you see this Kyrie. I want you to take this as a challenge. I want you to prove you are  better than Delly. Not a better highlight reel. Higher ppg player.

More valuable to the team. 

By doing all the ‘intangibles’ that make Delly more valuable to this analyst than you! Playoffs are here baby and Kyrie you have special talent. But sometimes effort trumps talent. The greats have both.

Like Kenny 'The Jet' always says. Nothing coaches better than a position battle. Lue - show some balls and bench Kyrie!

The Outback Samurai

Vikram Chowdhary