Thursday 28 May 2020

The great white lie

The Great White Lie...

George Floyd Video - warning - distressing scenes included

I've been told my entire life to calm down. That I'm overly emotional. To grow thick skin.... Mostly by white people whom I love and were looking out for my interests. People trying to help me.

I'm not racist...  I even have lots of friends who are white....See the irony?

Racism has always struck a chord with me.

Maybe its because my cousin got bashed when he was young just for being brown in a country town.

Maybe its because I've been called "smelly curry c$!t"" in light jest over 100 times.

Maybe it's because I've endured racist jokes throughout my lifetime. Jokes about aboriginals predominantly about their brown skin which matches mine. But also racist jokes against Asians, Africans, Lebanese, & Indians.

Often with people often qualifying me prior 'You're an Aussie right"....

"Course mate"

Like they had any intention of stopping even if I hesitated. Not that I ever did. Too scared....

The worst part is that then... I'd always have to laugh, no matter how disgusted I was.

To think more than half my life i was ashamed of being Indian. I can't explain why. But we just weren't cool like Italians, Japanese or Americans. We didnt have Al Pacino, Kill Bill or MTV.

It's an identity issue I've owned and I now have great self esteem in my race despite still getting "Apu'd" on a regular basis. I still believe "People should be judged not only on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character..."

Tibo Rogers. A refugee from Sierra Leonne.
Tibo Rogers. The hardest working bloke I've ever met.
Tibo Rogers. A bloke who never saw his family again from 9.
Tibo Rogers. Who got educated in a refugee camp where he lived for 17 years.
Tibo Rogers. A bloke who has moved 4 times in his life for insecure, hard jobs at UNHCR  because he wanted to give back.

Tibo Rogers from a white man in the city of Brisbane while I was next to him in front of 100 people in broad daylight.

I hate racism because it strips away all your accomplishments - all your efforts. All your love. To reducing you to an inferiority based on your skin colour. People of dark skin are seen as inferior in society because the world tells us this and reinforces it through media, story books, toys, history. Everything we grew up with. 

Al Clayton who is a prominent Fundraiser who often keynotes at conferences once explained the three archetypes of homo sapiens in a talk I attended in 2014. 

1. The Planner/ Builder - They build things. Plan and strategise. They are the rulers of the world now as they can make Visions turn to Reality. Civil engineers, entrepreneurs, CEOs. They play an important function in today's society.

2. The Nurturer - They care for others. Nurses, Teachers, Social Workers. My industry is filled with compassionate nurturers and they play a vital function in society

3. The Warrior - Traditionally and historically this archetype was neccasary. Today in a peaceful, ordered society they have no value adding function to most...

These people are said to have Bi-Polar and are overly emotional. They look to change the norm of society through war. They are fighters.

Two of these people are Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill. What they have a particular skill in is rallying a group into action. Using their emotion to galvanise a crowd. I don't ever want to even appear to praise a man as despicable as Hitler but no historian could deny the fact that he had a skill to whip a crowd into a ferver. If you don't believe me watch this. Hitler's speech in 1936. This power can be used for good or evil - and we have had warriors like Hittler, and others like Gandhi who were also driven by their indignation and emotional reaction to an event (Gandhi being kicked off a train for being brown).

These people are said to have little to no value in society today because we aren't at war. Because emotion leads to instability. And instability to change. But why are we so against change?

Because life is pretty good for some...

The great white lie. I no longer feel warriors are without value. Just annoying to those who rule.

I'm not saying we should riot. I'm not saying we should go to war. My life has been spent trying to avoid it and I've seen the damage it has done to societies first hand.

But I will not calm down and I will not grow thick skin. This is BS and has to stop. They say the pen is mightier than the sword.

Well I truly hope so. But I will not calm down....

And if you get angry or overemotional. You are allowed to. There is value in that. In drives change in society.

PS - I went to a Gail Kelly talk (Female CEO of Westpac at the time) around 2012. She was asked by the male interviewer a despicable, though probably innocent rather than malicious question. 

"As a woman - do you think you are more emotional? And do you think that emotion plays a role in leadership?"

She answered with class.

"Emotion is a tool and we have to know how to use it." 

I intend on using my passion and anger for minorities as I fight for equality employing non-violent methods. Mandela and Gandhi are both my heroes and they employed different strategies successfully. 

I believe in resilience and am spending my life in it's application and education. We do need to grow thick skin. I also don't think being sensitive to race is mutually exclusive or accepting it. 

Saturday 2 May 2020

Episode 2 - Unapologetic Revisionist History - Bulls v Pistons G3 1990

G3 Pistons vs Bulls - 1990 Conference Finals

So in my continuing series on comparing eras and revisiting MJ's career through the lens of today.

Here were my big takeaways watching this classic. Even with the poor quality - watch the 2nd half -you will thank me.

NBA - 1990 Pistons Vs Bulls (ECF Game 3) - YouTube

1. Jordan was such a joy to watch again! The fadeaways. Relentless drives. Even the misses and when he got fouled were highlights. Cant believe there has never been a player as entertaining since. And there absolutely hasn't. 47 and he was quiet for the first half... Absolute Fire and the most entertaining watch in history. The 10 boards were highlights too as getting a board on top of Lambier, Rodman, Salley and the bad boys is worthy of honour.

2. Forgot how streaky Isiah Thomas was - when he got hot - very hard to stop. He had his fingerprints all over this game. If he was in today's era he'd benefit more than most and probably be more like curry or Lillard with better handles.

3. Joey D left his imprint on this game. Some great sequences but if you watch closely his ball denial on MJ forced MJ to play point in the first half just so he could get his paws on the ball. The fact that Jordan got 47 with Rodman and Dumars guarding him speaks volumes.

4. The shot chart of this game would show so many mid-rangers, leaners, and post fade-aways. I really miss these aspects of the game. 3's are fun too - but not when its the staple. Variety in the game needs to be protected because it's fun. It also forces scorers to have more variety and differentiates them more.

Jordan had sooo much variety and so may moves and ways to kill you. LBJ is more like Kareem and Shaq - few moves which are hard to stop.

5. Fast Breaks were more fun when they finish with lay-ups and dunks. Especially with high flyers like Scottie and MJ involved.

6. Vinnie Johnson would've been Jamal Crawford in today's NBA. One of the most underrated players in history but with skills that would've translated into any era.

Vinnie Johnson - Posts | Facebook

7. James Edwards Moustache would be worth the price of admission alone.

The James 'Buddha' Edwards interview - Detroit Bad Boys

8. Scottie and MJ were fearless going to the hole. But Horace and Nealy gave as good as they got. The pain was not one way despite MJ's narrative....

9. Game definitely way more physical back then. I'm sorry but LBJ's strength which is probably one of his top 3 assets would have translated. MJ in this era where you weren't able to hold him - un-bloody-guardable  - as he was then..

10. Lambier, Rodman, Pippen and others flopped back then... Watch the tape! All truly great defenders push the rules to the limit - this is true in any era. Dont hate the (great defensive) player. Hate the game.

11. Jordan missed 2 jumpers with 1 min to go but Bulls got offensive rebounds - Skip forgets this shit.... If it was Lebron - he would have the take that Nealy bailed Jordan out... but that is also a ridiculous narrative coz Jordan was god in the 2nd half.

Watching them battle on the boards and in the paint was really fun. While people say aesthetically the game is better - what really makes a game fun to watch is competitiveness. The crowds are also so much more into the game when there is biff, so I think more heated rivalries were apparent in the 80s - and that translates into more watchibility. If the nba wanted to get more ratings they should somehow encourage more physicality - though it will never do that. Heated rivalries is what we need for the game to succeed.

Friday 24 April 2020

Unapologetic revisionist history - episode 1 - Jordan’s 63 at the garden

Unapologetic Revisionist History - Judging past performances by today's standards - Jordan hangs 63 at the garden in 86 Playoffs!

They say History is written by the winners. That is true in any era. And true today.

Michael Jordan is the Greatest winner of all time. Technically it's Bill Russell and his 11 rings. Even Rob "Big Shot" Horry won 7.

But Jordan won in fandom.
In the popularity contest.
Jordan won in Marketing.
Jordan won in creating his own narrative.

In my mind Jordan is THE greatest of all time because he was the greatest winner.

In this series I'm going to rewatch some of his greatest performances. Some random games rather than go off my memory of these performances some 20 years ago. I invite you to join me and form your own opinions.

Here are my takeaways from watching him hang 63 in the Garden;

1. That 86 Celtics has to be one of the top 3-4 teams I have ever seen. Everyone knows about 'The big 3' which was actually a 'big' 3 - Bird, Parish and McHale. And they were beastly. The first and only true "Big Three' I reckon. But the defensive prowess and tenacity of DJ and Ainge. Walton off the bench. 40-1 at home that season. If Jordan pushed that team to the brink in a playoff game twice in that series, that is truly a feat in history in itself as far as I'm concerned.

Robert Parish chose a winner between the 1986 Celtics and 1997 ...

2. Jordan's revolutionary Hangtime has still not been replicated despite 30 years of sports science. That hangtime on jumpers. On drives. That quick step. The chains. The boys game was as good looking as J Lo back in the day.... Every guy wanted to be like Mike. Every girl wanted to be with that alpha male...

"Rare Air"indeed. This can't be glossed over.

Best of Michael Jordan: MJ Goes for 63 in the Garden

3. Jordan didn't get 63. He got 52 and a gift. He was not fouled on the play that sent the game on OT. It was a travesty of a call and on the road. Jordan got 'Superstar' calls. I remember this throughout this career - but i think this is also a direct result of points 1 and 2. Refs loved him too in a way LBJ isn't. He also had a key turnover in the last minute of OT when they were up by 3. That's what Skip would be saying.  Just saying...

4. 80's ball was fun to watch with up and down (of course i'm watching with no ad breaks). But there were less tactical fouls (started in early 90s) and more argy bargy in the post which I love. But the rotations were much slower and the amount of space guys got on 12-15 foot jumpers would not be tolerated today. Now rotations are quicker, scouting is better. But that doesnt take anything away from Jordan's motor which I also think would be in the top 5 of all time. The amount of energy he expended on both ends is remarkable.

Legendary Moments In NBA History: Michael Jordan's 63-point game ...

Anyway - comment - tell me how full of shit I am. Calling the game as I saw it - watch it again and share with me your thoughts.

Your outback Samurai.
Amateur blogger and Basketball Turrets chronic long time sufferer